One of the top warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease is memory loss. Understanding the disease and how it impacts seniors can help you develop ways to boost brain stimulation in your senior loved one and stave off the progression of the condition. You can start by reading about some of the connections between Alzheimer’s disease and memory loss mentioned below.
Significant Brain Damage
Alzheimer’s causes damage to the brain that leads to confusion, disorientation, and memory loss. Seniors with this condition often experience memory lapses due to the significant damage done to their brain cells. While there may be medications your loved one can take to lessen symptoms associated with Alzheimer’s, there’s no way to stop the damage the disease does to the brain cells. Therefore, memory loss will continue as the condition progresses, and there may be times when your loved one doesn’t remember who you are or other important people, places, and objects in his or her life.
Accumulation Of Amyloid Plaques
When Alzheimer’s develops, there will be a buildup of amyloid proteins in the brain that causes memory loss. The accumulation of these beta-amyloid plaques leads to memory and learning impairment that worsens over time. Loss of short-term memory is generally the first problem seniors with Alzheimer’s experience. It may be difficult for them to store and retrieve information from only a few days before. As the plaques accumulate, more damage occurs, and mood and brain function decrease as a result.
Lack Of Serotonin
Neurotransmitter deficits are common in seniors with Alzheimer’s disease. However, the brain needs to use a variety of neurotransmitters, such as serotonin, to communicate between brain cells. This specific neurotransmitter is present in various tissues, including the brain, and it regulates mood, memory, social behavior, appetite, digestion, and more. Low levels of serotonin could prevent your loved one from learning new things. For instance, if your loved one tries to learn a new technique in yoga, he or she may forget that technique within a matter of minutes due to low serotonin levels disrupting the ability to learn.
Sensory Memory Issues
Seniors with Alzheimer’s experience sensory memory loss because the disease slowly destroys parts of the brain that convert sensory input into useful information. The brain tells seniors what they smell, the foods they should eat, people and objects they see, and what to touch or avoid, such as a hot stove. If the brain is unable to function normally and sensory memory loss occurs, your loved one could put him or herself and others in danger.